Natural Diuretic For High Blood Pressure And Water Retention

There are foods and drinks that will literally make you lose weight, clear toxins from your body and help keep your blood pressure low. By eating these Natural Diuretic foods, you will be cleansing your body naturally every day and making it easier to lose weight and live a healthy life.

There are many medications out there which can help you do the same thing, but if you just include some of these natural diuretic foods into your diet, you will see how healthy you can feel.

I have compiled a list of the best natural diuretic foods for you to include to your daily diet. You will definitely feel great by eating these regularly.

Natural Diuretic For High Blood Pressure And Water Retention

Diuretic Drinks

Green Tea

Is tea a diuretic? Yes. Green tea contains caffeine, which is the main reason why this beverage is a natural diuretic tea. 

The caffeine content in green tea is obviously not as present as it is in coffee, but the caffeine combined with the other properties in green tea will help clean your body from toxins and lower your blood pressure.

Another great thing of drinking green tea regularly is that your metabolism will increase and you will also have more energy throughout the day. How it's great right drink diuretic tea.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar is one of my favorite natural diuretic to help decrease bloating. It has been used for centuries for treating urinary infections as well. It is also very helpful to your kidneys and to your bladder.

Add a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to a cup of water everyday and you will see how great it is against bloating!

Cranberry Juice

Cranberries have also been used for treating urinary infections for centuries now. It is great for your bladder beacuse it contains chemicals that help fight bacteria inside your bladder. 

Another great thing about cranberry juice is its antioxidant capacity. Cranberry also helps prevent kidney stones. It is great for cleaning your system and releasing toxins from your body and thus reduce bloating.

To get great effects, it is recommended to drink a cup of cranberry juice everyday. The results are really great. Try to drink natural cranberry though, as normally the ready made juices are very high in sugar.

Natural Diuretic For High Blood Pressure And Water Retention

Herbal Diuretic


Cilantro is great for cleaning out toxins from your body and lowering your blood pressure. Also, it is very tasty and can be used in a variety of dishes, so it is easy to include into your daily diet. It is also great for your digestive system.

Cilantro is also known for being good at eliminating extra water weight.

Stinging Nettle

This plant is a great natural diuretic food, it is also great for preventing kidney stones and for keeping your urinary tract healthy. Apart from being great at helping you lose weight, this plant will clean your body of unwanted bacteria.

The Stinging Nettle is a very famous plant used in medicine for centuries as well.


Yarrow is great for eliminating excessive water weight. It will help you lose weight by urine and by sweating. As well as reducing water retention, is also very popular for reducing inflammation.

Yarrow is a great ingredient to add to anyone’s diet, however, it can have some undesired effects if you are on other medications, so watch out.

Natural Diuretic For High Blood Pressure And Water Retention

Diuretic Fruits


Melons are awesome natural diuretic foods. They have a high water percentage, which helps hydrate your body but also helps to cleans your body from toxins. Melons are great, they help you lose water weight, they provide a lot of vitamins and are also high in antioxidants.

The best melons to try out are watermelon, cantaloupe, honeydrew and korean melon.

Black Currants

Black Currants are all out diuretic plants. The leaves and the fruit itself contains diuretic properties. This fruit is also widely consumed because of its high value in vitamin C and potassium.

It is great to fight water retention and lose water weight. Also, it is known as Superfoods to improve your immune system. It is also another food which helps keep your urinary system healthy.

For great results, you can make black currant tea daily, very tasty.


Lemons are one of the most powerful natural diuretic foods available, which is one of the reason why it is so popular in detoxifying diets. Lemons are great at keeping your urinary system healthy as well.

It is great for cleaning your body from toxins and eliminating water retention and bloating. What I do is drink a small glass of warm lemon juice every morning after I wake up. It is great for detoxifying ad purifying your organism.

Natural Diuretic For High Blood Pressure And Water Retention

Diuretic Vegetables


Fennel is great for detoxifying your body. It will help clean your organism of toxins. Remove water weight and reduce inflammation. It is also great for reducing that dreadful bloating.

Fennel is very popular in tea form. In mediterranean cuisine, this is a widely used ingredient to dishes.


Garlic is one of the best foods out there for cleansing your body and getting rid of toxins.

My favorite thing about garlic is that it tastes really great but it is also very healthy for you. It is an amazing natural diuretic, it helps eliminating water retention and it also improves your overall immune system.

Garlic is also known to have great properties against harmful bacteria. making this food a great weapon agains several diseases.

If you are not fond of garlic, there are many supplements out there which have the healthy properties of this food without the taste.


Parsley can be great to eliminate excess toxins in your body since it stimulates the production of urine. It also helps remove excess water weight.

I love this food because it is very tasty to put in a variety of dishes and with just a little amount you are able to take advantage of its health benefits.


This list contains the best natural diuretic foods in my opinion. By including some of these into your daily diets, you will be eliminating excess water weight, will remove unwanted toxins from your body and also improve your urinary health overall.

If you eat just half of these foods daily, you feel a great difference. You will be able to see immediate visible results as you will reduce bloating and will eliminate toxins.


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